Vasil Petrov International Ministries
I bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am happy that we came back from England alive and well and thank God for this trip to England and Macedonia. In a few words I would like to tell you what God did for us during those three weeks.
On the 26th of May 2014 we set off to England – Nottingham where we were welcomed by our International church. We had about ten wonderful days of talking, praying, teaching and we were all very blessed. During the last few days Pastor Konstantin and Milena Kaysharov joined us from Macedonia. We spent wonderful time together and thank the Lord for the Word, salvation of human souls and the healing, that He made possible there. One man, who repented his sins and accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior wanted to be christened in water. This happened the same evening and everybody’s joy was unspeakable. We thank the Internet church of Nottingham for the great love, which we felt when we arrived there, for their hearts and warmth. They sacrificed their finances, gave us their homes and hearts and the Lord, who is faithful to His Word, did great things for them. Wonders of salvation, liberation and financial miracles. The whole church came with us to London, where the Fourth annual conference of the Bulgarian churches and ministries was held. Saturday evening I and Pastor Konstantin Kaysharov served with Word, songs and prayer and God performed miracles. People, who came forward, received their miracle of salvation and liberation. On Sunday we served at the end of the program and I believe that this was a blessing for all brothers and sisters at this conference.
We thank the Lord for the welcoming and for the love of Pastor Mitko and his wife towards us and for all our friends, whom we were so happy to meet again. God bless all the Bulgarian churches and ministries in London. Amen!
Right after the conference in London we traveled to Skopje, Macedonia. There the preparations for the upcoming Forth annual conference “Holy dawn” were just coming to an end. We had enough time to rest and get ready for the following exciting days. There we met all our brothers and sisters, who we missed very much, and whom we truly love and we truly had a wonderful time. The first day of the conference was opened by a glorious concert with the new songs of Pastor Konstantin Kaysharov and the speakers and guests at the conference were introduced. Everybody received special treatment and presents by the hosts. I have no words to describe the agitation, joy and blessing of the Lord there. You have to be there – this is the only way to understand what I mean. The following day we had a few sessions with guests from Norway, for whom God also performed miracles. While one of the speakers was sharing his own dramatic experience with the Lord for the first time, God healed his back while he was still on stage. Glory be to the Lord! All of them sang and spoke of God’s love, which they had in their hearts. The following session was meant for the guest from England, whom you all know – Pastor David Glenfield. God blessed the church with a wonderful word and at the end there was lots of singing, dancing and joy. I and Pastor Konstantin Kaysharov served the Sunday sermon and let the people into the knowledge of how they have to continue their journey to becoming men and women of God. The Lord’s blessing could be felt at this place, because it could be seen on people’s faces and in their eyes. The wait for the glorious deeds of the Lord was again not in vain, after we spoke His word of salvation of human souls, healing and liberation. There were a lot more new souls that came forward and repented. After that I spoke of the Holy Spirit and we prayed for everyone to be christened in this present of God. The hall was filled with joy and happiness and everybody started dancing. The word came true in the life of people because they were looking for the Lord, they loved Him and repented. Glory is to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Wonderful set-up, we were welcomed with honor and all our needs were met. This is the Kingdom of God, which is taken by force and only the violent take it by force. Glory is to Jesus. Many people were released from demons and mainly those, who were in this church for the first time. The Holy Spirit was moving and healing many people from back pain. More than fifty people accepted the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. This is the Lord, people. So many things happened out of the church too, but of that I will speak at my live sermons. I want to thank everybody for their hospitality in England and in Macedonia. Our prayer is that God blesses you and multiplies what is good in you. Amen!
For everything that happened I raise Jesus Christ above all of us.
Thank everybody from the Internet church, who was with us in fasting and in prayer, so that we could see with our own eyes this coming true. This is also your gift. Be blessed and know that your award for taking part in the Lord’s service is in heaven. We thank you all for your support.
Acts 15:3 „So, being sent on their way by the church, they passed through both Phoenicia and Samaria, describing in detail the conversion of the Gentiles, and brought great joy to all the brothers.”
With lots of love Pastor Vasil Petrov