In Israel, Even Ambulances are Targets.
Join us on our new podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.
One of eight ambulances donated by John Hagee ministries was attacked earlier this month by Palestinians.
Hagee Ministries had donated the ambulances through Heart to Heart, which works to save lives in Israel through paramedic, ambulance and blood-bank organizations.
Heart to Heart Director Jonathan Feldstein tells Breaking Israel News that through Hagee Ministries' donation, more than 30,000 lives have been saved.
Now, though, the organization is down two vehicles after attacks.
"This ambulance was donated with love and mutual interest to save lives in Israel by John Hagee Ministries," Feldstein says. "While Jews strive to save lives all over the world, our enemies put no restraints on whom they seek to harm."
Watch the video to see the rest of the story.
Джим Кавийцъл (Jim Caviezel) - Inspirational video bg
Middle East conflict
Ulf Ekman Converts to Roman Catholicism

During his Sunday morning service, Ulf Ekman announced the he and his wife, Birgitta, are converting to Roman Catholicism.
Ekman is the founder of Word of Life, amegachurch in Uppsala, Sweden. Newsreports and blogs coming out of the nation reveal congregation was “partially stunned” after hearing what was packaged as a “special announcement.” The theme was “follow the Lamb wherever He goes."
“For Birgitta and me, this has been a slow process were we have gone from discovering new things, to appreciating what we have discovered, to approach and even learn from our fellow Christians,” Ekman says on his ministry website.
“We have seen a great love for Jesus and a sound theology, founded on the Bible and classic dogma. We have experienced the richness of sacramental life. We have seen the logic in having a solid structure for priesthood, that keeps the faith of the church and passes it on from one generation to the next. We have met an ethical and moral strength and consistency that dare to face up to the general opinion, and a kindness towards the poor and the weak. And, last but not least, we have come in contact with representatives for millions of charismatic Catholics and we have seen their living faith.”
According to the Alethia blog and think tank, Ekman’s conversion is a news story that affects a relatively large part of Swedish Christianity. Word of Life has about 3,000 members and a staff of 12 pastors. The church’s school has about 1,000 students. Ekman also launched Scandinavia’s largest Bible school, constructed Scandinavia’s largest free church building, and rolled out a media program with TV on all continents, recorded teaching that has been spread around the world, books in 60 languages, and a strong engagement for Israel.
“We have as many know, followed Ekman’s steps towards Roman Catholicism since 2007, at times under a lot of ridicule from both members and leadership of the congregation, but also from others within the Christian Community in Sweden,” writes Andreas Glandberger, who operates the think tank. “Based on Ulf Ekman's various articles, sermons, statements, and even type of organizations he decided to support financially, a painstaking puzzle has been laid in which the last piece of the puzzle now is in place.”
Glandberger went on to say that "shock, anger, sadness, despair and confusion" among the reactions to the news. Others, he writes, were relieved that Ekman’s long love affair with the Catholic Church finally was consummated openly, which is also a help in theological discussions.
“All this has been both attractive and challenging,” Ekman says. “It really challenged our protestant prejudices, and we realized that we in many cases did not have any basis for our criticism of them. We needed to know the Catholic faith better. This led us to the realize that it was actually Jesus Christ who led us to unite with the Catholic Church.”
Ekman called his conversion a “personal journey” and said it was not his agenda to lead Word of Life toward Roman Catholicism or to collectively unite the church with the Catholic Church. “That would be unreasonable,” he said.
Ekman retired as the church’s senior pastor in March 2013. He founded and served at Word of Life for 30 years with a mandate from the Holy Spirit to “Equip my people with the Word of Faith.”
When something new is born!

When something new is born!
Happy birthday to the Internet church!
Just two years ago Ministry Vasil Petrov, together with all belivers in the churches, that he was guiding locally, continued to spread God’s word and broaden the knowledge of the Heavenly kingdom through all possible social networks and through the private web page of the ministry www.vasilpetrov.org
Even as internet was starting to form as a media, pastor Vasil sees that as a good opportunity to for spreading the Word of God and starts to record and upload his messages on one of the first privately managed Christian web pages. His sermons are the first to be put on the video portal www.bibliata.tv. As time passes, many people have started to listen to his sermons not only in Bulgaria, but in the whole of Europe. Not long afterwards, the map, indicating where the visitors of the page originate, shows the sermons and Sunday services are being regularly watched all over the world, where Bulgarians live. Many people get saved and become part of the ministry, but without a feedback. Exactly two years ago on 13/02/2012 the pastor starts receiving calls from people from different cities and villages wanting to become part of his church. Pastor Vasil Petrov together with his wife Nassi start a tree day fasting period with prayer, without any food or water to seek God and ask Him about this new thing, that is being born in the ministry. After only a few days the news that anyone can join the church is publicly announced. The new church, named for short “Internet church” is an international connection of churches, or people that do not belong to another church or are born through the pastor’s ministry. What we have today is a group of hundreds of people from different parts of the world that stand together in the Holy Spirit and in agreement, love for one another and union in Jesus’ peace. Many people are new born and baptized personally by the pastor in water and in the Spirit. Others, who had given up their local gatherings, have decided that this is their chance to feel part of the Body of Christ and to join this movement of the Holy Spirit. Something, that was unthinkable to achieve in any church in any town, is now possible after this opportunity has risen. We give thanks to God for everything that He has done and will continue to do in these vessels of Christ’s righteousness.
Message from the pastor
Hello church and happy birthday to everyone who is part of “Internet church”
I am very thankful to God for the vision that He gave me a few years ago and the chance to see with my own eyes its fulfillment today. With all my heart I welcome all of you, who are part of this movement of the Holy Spirit. I bless all, who have just joined “Internet church”, all of you, who have decided that it is worth putting your personal interests aside and putting Christ’s cross over all. I bless all of you, who stand faithfully in your promise to support me through the years. In my years of practice in the ministry I have sadly heard many promises from people that did not come to be. But this is the world we live in – people think differently. I thank God for the faithful vessels, which He uses for His glory. In a moment like that I would use the word of Apostle Paul: Philippians 2:2 “complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” I give praise to Jesus, because through this ministry I know all of you, precious souls of God. Today we can say freely, that we are more than winners through the blood of Jesus Christ and the power of our own testimony. Today we have a church, which is spread all over the world without ethnic distinction. Today we have that unity of the Body of Christ, of which I was dreaming so long, prayed for, worked hard for and believed to see for myself. Now my happiness is complete and no one can take this joy from my heart and I believe it is your joy as well. I will pray, fast and work through the next years that God will grant us for the forming of workers on God’s field with the right motivation and heart. People, who are inspired by God to abide His will, work together, humbly and selfless. People, who will continue after me this great deed, because when we look to the future internet sermons and spreading God’s word will be an important factor. That is the reason why I established the school to “Internet Church” – DPE or Dynamic Practical Education! Today the school has 22 students, most of them living in different parts of the world. Isn’t this wonderful! I feel in the Spirit the fruits of the vine through the years (may who is spiritual grasp what I mean) and we will continue to do God’s will to fulfill that, which is put in our hearts by God and work with the people that He has guided into our lives and will guide in the future to the ministry “Internet church”.
Once again, happy birthday to you all!
Pastor Vasil and Nassi Petrov
Tonight live on the internet from 18:30 everyone, who is part of the “Internet church” and the students of DPE will take part in a festive sermon. Everyone is welcome. For those, who come to the church hall, there will also be cake. The sermon will be aired live on http://vasilpetrov.org/
מלך מלכי המלכים בביצוע נדיר מחתן בר מצוה
On the 26 November to 7 December 2013

On the 26 November to 7 December 2013 Vasil Petrov Ministries will be in Nottingham, England. On December 1, Pastor Vasil Petrov will serve in the Bulgarian church in London. Address; Christ Church School 1 Robinson Street London SW3 4AA
Yesterday we welcomed into our home Karen from England

Yesterday we welcomed into our home Karen from England, She now lives in Romania. God has placed in your heart and go walking from Romania to Turkey Istanbul praying for every city and place that passes . She meeting with believers and pray for cities and their churches . She says that what we felt in my spirit passing through Bulgaria is the spirit of division , envy and hatred that tie into people's hearts to one another. We prayed together for the body of Christ in Bulgaria today early in the morning she went her way on foot through the Balkan Mountains to the Valley of the Roses and is scheduled to arrive today in Kazanlak. Every day I meet different and strange people with their ideas , works and beliefs , but only God knows the hearts of the people and their thoughts. Remains for us to meet , and blessed to love and pray for everyone and all . Blessed be the name of the Lord ! Amen
Pastor Vasil Petrov

The answer of this and many other questions have touched and transformed many hearts that were present on the event on August 20th, 2013 in the Centre for psycho-physical health, organized by the Club "People on the Path". It was the music-spiritual workshop for worshiping Lord Jesus Christ with Pastor Konstantin Kaysharov.
This workshop was marked with the preaching of Bishop Vasil Petrov, our honored guest from Bulgaria, and the theme was "Baptism in water" - the biblical roots and the meaning of baptism and a call to follow Christ as a perfect example that fulfills God's Will.
The workshop was followed with songs for praising God and prayers for all Christians in the world, for the fires that are burning and can not be put away, the disturbances and riots in the world, for the hungry and the poor... These were prayers toward God for initiating live Christianity and practical implementation in the everyday life. Also, different chapters from the Gospel of Luke were presented which were working tasks for some of the members.
The high summer temperature was not an obstacle for this event to be visited by more than 60 people who love Lord Jesus Christ, together in unity, prepared for becoming holy and perfect, praising His Holy and Eternal Name on one place with all the brothers and sisters in Christ.
The next music-spiritual workshop with new themes, songs for worship, and testimonies, will take place on 27th August 2013 in the Centre for psycho-physical health, start at 19:00 o'clock.
"not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:25
Joel Osteen Hoax: Man Allegedly Behind Ploy To Discredit Leader Wants Televangelist To Change His Message (VIDEO)
Famed televangelist Joel Osteen may not be losing his religion, but he is the target of an elaborate hoax attempting to discredit the powerful megachurch leader and "motivate him to talk about more serious subjects."
The plan was put into motion on April 1, NPR reports. The scheme included a fake church website, www.JoelOstenMinistries.com, which looks almost identical to thereal website but misspells Osteen's last name as "Osten." A fake Twitter account (now suspended) and a YouTube video for the (fictional) Christianity News service also surfaced.
The video clip includes images of fake headlines from news sites such as CNN, Drudge Report, The Christian Broadcasting Network and Yahoo! All the articles in the video include headlines with messages like, "Pastor resigns, cites 'doubt about Christ."
A fake statement released on JoelOstenMinistries.com reads in part:
[...] For a number of years now, I have been questioning the faith, Christianity and whether Jesus Christ is really my, or anyone's, 'savior'.
I believe now that the Bible is a fallible, flawed, highly inconsistent history book that has been altered hundreds of times. There is zero evidence the Bible is the holy word of God. In fact, there is zero evidence "God" even exists.
Within days, Osteen's "announcement" had attracted a huge amount of attention, and as NPR reports, many people appeared to believe the news.
A representative for Osteen's 45,000-member Lakewood Church in Texas told the Houston Chronicle that it was aware of the "false rumor." And on Monday, Osteen himself responded to the hoax, telling ABC News, “You can’t stop everything from happening, but you can choose to say, ‘God, it’s in your hands’. I’m going to move forward. I’m going stay full of joy and I’m going enjoy this day."
On Monday, The Huffington Post contacted the person who claimed to be behind the websites.
Speaking exclusively with HuffPost on condition of anonymity, the man (who objected to calling the sites a "hoax") said he had carried out the plan partly "to test viral media markets" and partly to make a point.
"I wanted to send Joel a message, to hopefully motivate him to talk about more serious subjects, such as Monsanto, GMOs, the poisons in our food and water, alternative cancer cures," he wrote in an email. "He has a worldwide stage he isn't using to do enough good, but rather he's wafting lightweight sermons peppered with cliches across the Sunday airwaves."
Ultimately, he says, Osteen has failed to use his gift for speaking to really enact meaningful change.
"From a Christian standpoint, I understand why he has come under fire from traditionalists and those who say he preaches 'prosperity gospel.' Ahh, prosperity indeed... for himself!"
Even as people begin debunking the fake Osteen sites, a new "interview" appeared Tuesday in which "Joel Osteen" confirms his resignation to fictional Christianity News Texas:
"The [website] is real and so are my statements, but I'm having to be somewhat low-key about it. I also don't have access to all of the [websites] we have."
The man ostensibly behind the new interview told HuffPost that he plans to keep the charade going for as long as possible.
"I have legal counsel ready and prepared, but I will relent if the church gets aggressive," he said.
To all the Bulgarians

To all the Bulgarians, to those who still remember from where they come and where they were born, to those who think about their people. To those who are in Milan and the province. On 24.02.2013 from 11:00 Church "Bethlehem" organizes a praying meeting for Bulgaria. We are waiting for you.
T.L. Osborn Dies at 89

T.L. Osborn was born December 23, 1923 to Charles Richard Osborn and Mary (Brown) on the family farm in Pocasset, Oklahoma. He stepped through the veil into eternity peacefully, at home surrounded by four generations of his beloved family on February 14th 2013 shortly after asking His Lord Jesus, “Take me home!” He was 89.
Tommy married Daisy Marie Washburn on April 5, 1942 and together they carried the Gospel of Christ to tens of millions of unreached people in over 100 nations declaring with faith and confidence, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” They pioneered many successful methods of evangelism that have become commonplace today.
He is survived by his daughter, LaDonna Carol and her husband Cory Nickerson of Tulsa; five grandchildren, Tommy O’Dell and wife Elisabeth of Tulsa OK, LaVona Thomas and husband Randy of Sand Springs, OK, Donald O’Dell and wife Carina of Aurora, CO, Cassie Waldo and husband Marty of Winona, MN, Kimberly Wichelt and husband Ted of LaCrosse, WI; 22 great grandchildren, 14 boys and 8 girls; three great great grandchildren, two girls and one boy; two sisters, Verna Reed of Mannford, OK and Frankie Funkhouser of Pawnee, OK and a large host of nieces, nephews and other family members.
Stay tuned to Charisma News for tributes to this general of faith.